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发布日期:2019-06-03   浏览次数:


梁红玉,女,河南南阳人,博士,副研究员,士生导师。15vip太阳集团优秀青年骨干教师2017,15vip太阳集团优秀教师2020),江苏高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师(2022中国机械工程学会高级会员,中国机械工程学会表面工程分会青年学组特邀专家,中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会青年论坛组委会委员,江苏省机械工程学会摩擦学分会理事;《lubricants》期刊Topical Advisory Panel MemberGuest Editor20156月毕业于中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所固体润滑国家重点实验室,获理学博士学位。同年获中科院朱李月华优秀博士生奖。20158月至今,在15vip太阳集团/先进制造与现代装备技术工程研究院工作,主要从事先进润滑材料/新能源材料及器件设计与制造方面的研究。迄今ACS Energy LettersChemical Engineering JournalACS Applied Materials & InterfacesJournal of Colloid and Interface ScienceJournal of Power SourcesFrictionWear等国际期刊上公开发表SCI论文40余篇(第一/通讯作者SCI论文20篇);申请国家发明专利9,授权2目前主持在研国家和省部级项目3项;主持完成国家和省部级项目4项,市厅级和校级项目3项;作为主要参与者在研国家自然科学基金项目2


1. 先进润滑材料设计与制造

2. 超润滑设计及应用

3. 新能源材料及器件设计与制造;

4. 激光表面工程与加工技术。


1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目520752242021-012024-12

2. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金517052112018-012020-12

3. 江苏省自然科学基金-面上项目BK202014232020-072023-06

4. 江苏高校“青蓝工程”资助项目2022-072025-06

5. 固体润滑国家重点实验室-开放课题LSL-18012019-012021-12

6. 摩擦学国家重点实验室-开放基金SKLTKF18B032019-012021-06

7. 中国博士后科学基金2016M6017282017-012019-03

8. 江苏省博士后科研资助计划1601050C2016-072019-03

9. 15vip太阳集团青年英才培育计划资助项目2018-012021-11

10. 15vip太阳集团高级人才科研启动基金15JDG1482015-102021-03


1. Removing Cost Barriers to Template Carbon Synthesis for High-Performance Supercapacitors by Establishing a Zero-Emission Chemical Cycle from CO2, ACS Energy Letters, 2022, 7, 4381-4388 (SCIIF=23.9911

2. Wafer-scale fabrication of high-purity reduced graphene oxide films as ultrahigh-frequency capacitors with minimal self-discharge, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 390, 124560.SCIIF=16.7441

3. Graphene oxide film as solid lubricant, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5(13), 6369-6375.SCIIF= 10.3832

4. Graphene oxide as efficient high-concentration formaldehyde scavenger and reutilization in supercapacitor, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 444, 109-114.SCIIF= 9.9651

5. Transformation of Freon to 3D graphene frameworks for high-rate supercapacitors with high capacity retention, Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 405, 1-6. SCIIF= 9.7942区)

6. Assessing the maximum power and consistency of carbon supercapacitors through a facile practical strategy, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8(33), 12430-12436SCIIF=9.2241区)

7. Hydrogen bond interaction in the trade-off between electrolyte voltage window and supercapacitor low-temperature performances, ChemSusChem, 2022, 15(14), e202200539. (SCIIF=9.1402区)

8. Nano/micro bi-scale ordered carbon units via template heredity toward compact capacitive energy storage. Science China-Materials, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s40843-022-2196-1 (SCIIF=8.6402

9. Fabrication of low friction and wear carbon/epoxy nanocomposites using the confinement and self-lubricating function of carbon nanocage fillers, Applied surface science, 2021, 538, 148109 SCIIF=7.3921

10. Confined interlayer water enhances solid lubrication performances of graphene oxide films with optimized oxygen functional groups, Applied surface science, 2019, 485, 64-69.SCIIF=7.3921

11. Unravelling High-load Superlubricity of Ionic Liquid Analogues by In situ Raman: Incomplete Hydration Induced by Competitive Exchange of External Water with Crystalline Water, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2023, 14, 453-459 (SCIIF=6.8881

12. Ferroelectric benzimidazole additive-induced interfacial water confinement for stable 2.2V supercapacitor electrolytes exposed to air, Chemical Communications, 2022, 58(68), 9536-9539 (SCIIF=6.0652 

13. Macroscopic superlubricity of potassium hydroxide solution achieved by incorporating in-situ released graphene from friction pairs, Friction, 2023, 11(4), 567-579. (SCIIF=4.9241区)

14. Impressive high-temperature lubrication of carbon/epoxy composites endowed by the microscopic dimensionality of carbon fillers, Wear, 2021, 204109, 486-487. SCIIF=4.6951区)

15. Stable low-friction carbon/epoxy composites using carbon nanocages stuffed with ionic liquids as fillers, Polymer composites, 2022, 43, 8687-8695. (SCIIF=3.5312


1. 一种低摩擦含氟洋葱碳膜及其直接在硅基底上制备的方法, 2018-05-29, 中国,  201810531660.0.

2. 一种减摩耐磨碳纳米笼/环氧树脂自润滑复合材料及其制备方法, 2020-04-23, 中国, 202010325510.1.

3. 胆碱型类离子液体作为润滑剂的应用及润滑剂组合物, 2022-04-28, 中国, 202210456231.8.

4. 一种润滑液用添加剂及类离子液体润滑液, 2022-11-25,中国, 202211487261.1.

5. 一种低摩擦系数抗磨液压油, 2022-04-25, 中国, 202210438327.1.

6. 一种绿色循环制备高电容性能碳纳米笼的方法及碳纳米笼, 2021-05-14, 中国, 202110527351.8.

7. 一种超级电容器电解液及超级电容器, 2022-04-26, 中国, 202210439297.6.

8. 一种制备高纯石墨烯薄膜的方法及电极和电容器, 2020-01-21, 中国, 202010071002.5.

9. 一种测定超级电容器最优功率的方法, 2020-02-24, 中国, 202010111985.0.


1. 2022年:江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师。

2. 202015vip太阳集团优秀教师。

3. 201715vip太阳集团青年英才培育计划优秀青年骨干教师。

4. 2015中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生奖。


1. 中国机械工程学会高级会员

2. 中国汽车工程学会会员;

3 .中国机械工程学会表面工程分会青年学组特邀专家;

4. 中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会青年论坛组委会委员;

5. 江苏省机械工程学会摩擦学分会理事

6. lubricants》期刊Topical Advisory Panel MemberGuest Editor







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